Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Grand Annual Feastday of OMPH Church 2024

Our Mother of Perpetual Help (l) crowned in Church(r) placed at the outdoor shrine after the procession

The annual feast day at the Parish of Our Mother of Perpetual Help Ipoh was another grand gathering of parishioners. Other surrounding parishes had also joined in and devotees from KL and Singapore were present.

Unlike previous years, parish priest Rev Fr Joseph Stephen decided to have the event indoors as there was threatening indications of rain on the actual day. Well it didn’t rain hence the mass and the crowning of Our Lady was held indoors and the procession around the neighbourhood and benediction was held outdoors. Overall it was a most joyful event.

All sections, the church, porch, canteen area and hall were connected via cctv and it was a full house.

We had distinguished guests priests, Archbishop Wojciech Zaluski, the Apostolic Nuncio for Malaysia, Rev Fr Ino (Phillippines) the Vice-Provincial Superior of Malaysia and Singapore, Rev Fr Sixstus (Indonesia), Fr Joe Abraham and Rev Fr Robin Kumar (India) and our own Rev Frs Joseph Stephen, Fr Patrick Massang, Fr Phillip Lai, Fr Paul Kee and Fr Eugene Fernandez.

Fr Massang used the Beatles 1970 'Let It Be' to start his homily

The church was full ....

The front of the church/ porch ...a full house

the canteen area 
the hall ..all were connected via cctv

All Parishoners of all ages..participated in the Feastday celebration ..bringing up Mother Mary's crown 

and hands it Archbishop Wojciech Zaluski  

who crowns Our Mother Mary 

Names for Conseccration  

We had a lucky parishoner pass the crown to Archbishop Wojciech Zaluski who then placed the  crown on Our Mother Mary. The Consecration of names received was 15316 and was placed at the altar of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. The float of of Our Mother was then taken in procession through the immediate neighborhood before returning to outdoor shrine and benediction. 

..they are off for the procession around the neighbourhood of OMPH church 

..parishioner awaiting the return of the float ...
..the returning float 

..Benediction while flower girls shower petals on the shrine

A word from Archbishop Zaluski ....
..folllowed by Parish priest Fr Joe .....

the 2024 ....servers and all participating parishioners 

The theme for the 8days of Novena focused on the Shrines of Mother Mary and why they were proclaimed shrines. On each of the 8 nights we were told interesting stories accompanied with slides the reason they were proclaimed shrines.

..preached masses in Chinese and Tamil 

..the programme for the Novena

This year Fr Massang requested the Tamil, Chinese and Charismatic choirs to sing in their most melodic voices The showcase was held before the event and included the youth  of the parish performing a short dance accompanied by our singing Priest Fr Massang.

Fr Massang's pre-Feastday event 

.. the  youth sketch 

When all had been done the priests and parishoners sat down and had supper together the way we always do at the end of the celebration.

It was a grand Feast Day 2024 with the parishioners participating in the activities.

JAG with graphics by A.Law, T.Oon.

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