Sunday, September 1, 2024

67 Years Of Merdeka 2024@OMPH Church

Malaysians... celebrate Merdeka together at OMPH Church

OMPH Church celebrated 67 years of independence with a Merdeka mass. Its celebrant Fr Partick Massang was led in by an altar boy carrying the Malaysian flag and parishoners dressed in cultural dresses. It was a simple ceremony setting the theme for the mass though it had an underlying tone.

.flag bearing altar boy ...

... followed my parishoners in cultural dress 

Malaysia though attaining independence 67 years ago has some years to go yet especially for being the 2nd most racial country in the world after South Africa and for marginalizing its citizens. It would be beneficial for all  citizens to be granted equal status and enjoy the benefits of being Malaysian. 

Congregation sang the NegaraKu with a cry of MERDEKA 3 times by Fr Massang

.. at attention for the Negara Ku 

...young to old ...waving the Jalur Gemilang

It still was a beautiful Merdeka celebration.