Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Annual Michaelian Dinner 2024

Three tents and a threating sky

The annual Michaelian Dinner is held every September. I attended this years dinner. I couldn't make the Chapel mass. Heard that close to 100 attended the mass. That was great. 

It was threatening to pour when I arrived which it did. But that didn’t dampen the spirits of the Old Boys. Typical of a tropical storm it came fast and furious but then it blew over and then it was cool. Thereafter it was a nice evening . The camaraderie was lively and jolly with genre age music and flowing beverage. The night was ripe for an evening of reminisceing. 

a tropical storm that came and went ....

the Military Band was very entertaining .....

(L) Yb Wong Kar Woh next to Principal Phoon ....

(L) Linda Oh, OhTeik Soo, Wu Chee Seng, Oh Teik Hee, Oh Teik Kam, Anthony Law..(R) xx, Lim Keng Hoo, Yeoh Eng Keat, Regina Lim

Eamon Chee with Master Thomas Chee, Anthony Law and Tony Loh

the band 'Echoes' with Mr Joe and Mr Goh ......

then it was time for dinner

there were 95 tables set up ..

never to old to dance ....

From left..(R) Peter and Francis and ....old friends and (L) Eamon Chee, Oh Teik Kam, Master Thomas Chee, Dennis Chee (green), Khoon Chin (light blue) Tony Low Thong Ment (Michaelian shirt) and Dr Anthony Wong.

Was it their 35th anniversary.....certificate?

(L) Oh Teik Soo, Linda Oh, Oh Teik Hee and Oh Teik Kam (R) on prefect duty Jared Lai

'Pang Yow/ friends 

(L) Leeza and Victor Corbett (C).Adrian Tsen, Tony Kong, Peter Lee and Victor 

From left (L) Dennis Chee, Musa Haneefa, Maureen Hah, Tony Low.....(R) Master Thomas, Foo Wan Shoon, Tony Low 

Celebrating the Michaelian Way .... 


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