Thursday, July 18, 2024

Open Air Barber Under the '5-foot-way' - Once-upon-a-time

'barber shop'.... under the five-foot-way the late 80's..different chairs and mirrors ,,,,

This was an open-air-barber ‘stand’ in the1980’s. It was situated at the five-foot-way along Chamberlain Road after the post office and at the entrance to Kampung Kuchai.

It had two barber chairs , of differedt models….but had the paraphernalia for a real barber setup..mirrors(of differebt sizes), spray bottle, a small fan above for customer comfort, .. it was a barber setup but was 'slapstick'. I’m sure it worked…but wouldn’t know what was its outcome. 

situated at the entrance to Kg Kuchai after the Chamberlain road post office ...miniture fan above for customer comfort 

This was a time when the tin price was at its lowest because of the tin price manipulation fiasco Maminco. Mines had closed and the alternative businesses were closing. The whole of Kinta Valley was suffering with hordes of young men and women hopping to economically better destinations around the globe. I guess anything that brought in an income and this barber shop was worth a try. 


...barber stand under the '5-foot-way, behind the boy...(r) was the wire for the fan ???

it had all the paraphernalia of the trade ....

My memory of the late 1980’s and the way it was.


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