Saturday, December 28, 2024

Puncak Emas Infra (patchwork / road repair contractor) and MBI

Puncak Emas at work... doing patching ...

 This company , Puncak Emas Infra, has been covering up the potholes in my neighbourhood the last 2 weeks.

No doubt it’s a blessing for our vehicles but I wonder if it is the best solution. I will see if it can last till the next monsoon season. Is the mixture the correct ratio for this patch-work, is it economical? they charge MBI by the size of the patch .....

next "sites for patching" ....???

The way it is done creates so much patch-work roads throughout the neighbourhood.  

Years ago the roadworks seemed to last longer..but..i am just a resident,,,what would I know???


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Second Advent, Crib Up and The SEEDS??

The SEEDS ..a collaboration .....

It was a refreshing change this weekend. Yes, it was the 2nd Advent weekend and the crib was up as per schedule. What was different was there was a Youth Choir. 

Was told they were our young adults with some of the friends joining them from Penang. this a collaboration of community and formation??. They call themselves The SEEDS..are they part of a ministry ?.They were having a retreat at SMC and they dropped-in for the sunset mass. 

Interesting this SEEDS….Could they be mobilised to become MORE??.....

its the 2nd Advent ...
...and the waiting has begun ....a matter of time now....


Monday, December 9, 2024

Whats In A Name ..’Dato' Lau Pak Khuan’ ....

..the incorrect signage ..last week ...

Well in this case it is recognition of a persons contribution to the town and country.

This refers to the signage “Bulatan Lau Pak Khuan” which was erected last week at the circus intersection of Jalan Canning Estate and Jalan Dato' Lau Pak Khuan next to Maybank Ipoh Garden.

I wanted to complain that the signage was very wrong for it stated ‘Bulatan Lau Pak Khuan’ and not ‘Bulatan Dato' Lau Pak Khuan” as it rightly should be addressed. It was clearly stated in the road signage displayed nearby.

But luckily the signage was removed on Sunday 8th December..presumably by MBI ..... supposedly to be corrected accordingly.

..the signage is removed on 8th December ....

Well we shall see the outcome, hopefully soon.


Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Michael Lip ..the Fashion Designer (in the 1970's)

 This is a 70's article of Michael Lip. Ipoh boy and a Michaelaen who is now the top landscape archietect in the country. In the 70's he was a fashion designer. This article was from Fanfare ...think it was published in Singapore then ......a blast from the past ......


Sunday, December 1, 2024

1st Advent@OMPH Church


I love this 1st Advent....the first day of a new Liturgical (or church) calendar and begins a four week period of preparation for the nativity of Jesus Christ at Christmas..... its a preparation for the coming of the Christ , the Light of the World, that drives away the evils of life, sin, poverty, disease and wars....a summary of life now ....

It is also the time for the Rite of acceptance into the Order of Cathecumens.... who seek entrance into this faith community .....

the catecumens at the Rites  ......Minor Exorcism 

..renunciation of faslse worship ...

...Celebrant signs the inquirers forehead with the sign of Christ's cross and anoints them with the Oil of Catechumens 

..the sponsors traces the cross over the inquirers ears, eyes, shoulders and hands as the Celebrant prays and signs them with the sign of Christ's cross. 

Intersting rites ..these catecumens will receive their baptism during Easter.