Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Annual Michaelian Dinner 2024

Three tents and a threating sky

The annual Michaelian Dinner is held every September. I attended this years dinner. I couldn't make the Chapel mass. Heard that close to 100 attended the mass. That was great. 

It was threatening to pour when I arrived which it did. But that didn’t dampen the spirits of the Old Boys. Typical of a tropical storm it came fast and furious but then it blew over and then it was cool. Thereafter it was a nice evening . The camaraderie was lively and jolly with genre age music and flowing beverage. The night was ripe for an evening of reminisceing. 

a tropical storm that came and went ....

the Military Band was very entertaining .....

(L) Yb Wong Kar Woh next to Principal Phoon ....

(L) Linda Oh, OhTeik Soo, Wu Chee Seng, Oh Teik Hee, Oh Teik Kam, Anthony Law..(R) xx, Lim Keng Hoo, Yeoh Eng Keat, Regina Lim

Eamon Chee with Master Thomas Chee, Anthony Law and Tony Loh

the band 'Echoes' with Mr Joe and Mr Goh ......

then it was time for dinner

there were 95 tables set up ..

never to old to dance ....

From left..(R) Peter and Francis and ....old friends and (L) Eamon Chee, Oh Teik Kam, Master Thomas Chee, Dennis Chee (green), Khoon Chin (light blue) Tony Low Thong Ment (Michaelian shirt) and Dr Anthony Wong.

Was it their 35th anniversary.....certificate?

(L) Oh Teik Soo, Linda Oh, Oh Teik Hee and Oh Teik Kam (R) on prefect duty Jared Lai

'Pang Yow/ friends 

(L) Leeza and Victor Corbett (C).Adrian Tsen, Tony Kong, Peter Lee and Victor 

From left (L) Dennis Chee, Musa Haneefa, Maureen Hah, Tony Low.....(R) Master Thomas, Foo Wan Shoon, Tony Low 

Celebrating the Michaelian Way .... 


Sunday, September 1, 2024

67 Years Of Merdeka 2024@OMPH Church

Malaysians... celebrate Merdeka together at OMPH Church

OMPH Church celebrated 67 years of independence with a Merdeka mass. Its celebrant Fr Partick Massang was led in by an altar boy carrying the Malaysian flag and parishoners dressed in cultural dresses. It was a simple ceremony setting the theme for the mass though it had an underlying tone.

.flag bearing altar boy ...

... followed my parishoners in cultural dress 

Malaysia though attaining independence 67 years ago has some years to go yet especially for being the 2nd most racial country in the world after South Africa and for marginalizing its citizens. It would be beneficial for all  citizens to be granted equal status and enjoy the benefits of being Malaysian. 

Congregation sang the NegaraKu with a cry of MERDEKA 3 times by Fr Massang

.. at attention for the Negara Ku 

...young to old ...waving the Jalur Gemilang

It still was a beautiful Merdeka celebration. 


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Brothers Nicholas and Handrie - 1st Profession of Vows At OMPH Church

Brothers Handrie and Nicholas make their 1st Profession of Vows at OMPH Church 

Rejoice and be glad. Do Not Let Your Hearts be Troubled..John 14:1

On this cool July Sunday morning on 14 July 2024 Nicholas and Handrie were about to take their 1st Profession of Vows their big step towards becoming Redemptorist Brothers and ultimately Priests.

Nicholas Narin Martin hails from Kota Bahru and Hilary Handrie Lim from Dalat, Sarawak. They both became aspirants in 2021 and have lived with the community for their time of formation and probation and studying their rules. Nicholas and Handrie were ready to dedicate themselves to their calling and make their first profession becoming Brothers of this community.

Both the candidates parents were on hand to present them to the Church. The Redemptorist confrere were also present in force from their Singapore to welcome their new Brothers.

During the event they would be robed and adorned with the articles of of devotion ..the habit, cincture, crucifix and rosary and we would have to address them as Brother Nicholas and Handrie. 

..On a cool July morning Handrie and Nicholas with the Redemptorists ..ready for their 1st Profession 

Handrie and Nicholas with their parents ....

the parents dedicate their sons to the Holy Church ... 

the candidates are ready for the First Profession 

Vice Provincial Rev Fr Ino blesses the Habit, Cincture, Crucifix and Rosary.. articles of devotion 

.. and gives the signs of religious profession to the candidates ..

..proceeds to wear the signs of Profession assisted by their parents.....

..and assisting Redemptorist 
Fr Massang adjust Nicholas habit a final time and Nicholas is ready...
Fr Gerard assists Handrie with his rosary 

..the candidates with the Constitution enter the church ...

the candidates recite their vows ....
and the Vice Provincial accepts them into the Congregation  
..the newly professed brothers sign the documents of the religious profession witnessed by others 

the Redemtorists welcome their newly professed brothers 

..the community of OMPH accepts the newly professed brothers and gives them a round of applause

the celebration continues..the parents participate with the Offertory 

..the newly professed offer flowers to Mary, Our Mother of Perpetual Help ...

witnessed by the Redemptorists and the congregation .....

after the mass .... Redemptorists We Are  ..

one family ....

Brother Nicholas and Brother Handrie